Sunday, February 6, 2011

The Death of Libraries (at least in the Developed World)

The BBC just ran a debate on "Are libraries finished? Five arguments for and against" amid the threat of closure for 400 British libraries.

This is something I've been thinking about.

The BBC's five arguments for the survival of libraries were:

1. Specialist research
2. Environment to learn
3. Expert staff
4. Free internet access
5. Engage in local democracy

The five counter-arguments were:

1. Searchability
2. Digital books
3. Comfort in numbers
4. Brings niches together
5. Self-publishing

I am not automatically in favor of new technology but I am thoroughly persuaded by the counter-arguments. I say turn the libraries into social centres (with free Internet access) and don't look back.

1 comment:

  1. I have another, personal, argument in favor of libraries: they are the only public institution dedicated to quiet study and contemplation. I love studying, reading, and having discussions in coffee shops and bookstores, but libraries are the only places committed to providing a quiet, scholarly environment. For that reason, I would keep going to them even if they didn't have any books at all.
