Sunday, September 10, 2006

Capital punishment

Danielle, Richland WA, 2002

A little while ago I began an atomically small bit of activism when I complained to the Mayor of London about a street performer I thought could be dangerously influencing children. Not much became of that but now I have a much bigger thing to worry about: we learned yesterday that the Liberian Government intends to perform a public execution of a convicted murderer here in Buchanan on September 29. Here's a brief media reference about it.

Capital punishment is more objectionable to me than the crimes of the murderers being executed. I'm not as eloquent about it as many more important and heroic people but I think I might be about to get vocal. I won't be quiet on this but I don't know what I can do while representing Merlin. Or will working for Merlin give me a useful voice?

We're also wondering security issues - will there be any social unrest that could mean 'business' for the hospital? - or conversely, might there be risks that would require us to get out of Grand Bassa County? Part of me wants to be far away when it happens and another part wants to fight it.

I'm seeking advice and direction from Merlin but I'd also like to hear from anyone reading this.

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