Tuesday, August 23, 2011

From "How Green Was My Valley"

"It do seem to me that the life of man is merely a pattern scrawled on Time, with little thought, little care, and no sense of design. Why is it, I wonder, that people suffer, when there is so little need, when an effort of will and some hard work would bring them from their misery into peace and contentment."

"How Green Was My Valley" by Richard Llewellyn, 1939

Monday, August 22, 2011

Updated Contries I've Visited web page

List of eligible countries (where I've slept at least one motionless night)

List of ineligible countries (where I have set foot but not slept at least one motionless night)

Saturday, August 20, 2011


I have edited and restructured my portraits here.

Amsterdam Botanic Garden

Here are some snapshots of the Amsterdam Botanic Garden shot yesterday.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

From "How Green Was My Valley"

"It is very strange to think back like this, although come to think of it, there is no fence or hedge around Time that has gone. You can go back and have what you like if you remember it well enough."

"How Green Was My Valley" by Richard Llewellyn, 1939

From "How Green Was My Valley"

"It has always seemed to me that there is something big to be felt by a man who has made up his mind to leave the things he knows and go off to strange places."

"How Green Was My Valley" by Richard Llewellyn, 1939

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

First in a new series: favorite quotations

"Perhaps the sexual life is the great test. If we can survive it with charity to those we love and with affection to those we have betrayed, we needn't worry so much about the good and the bad in us. But jealousy, distrust, cruelty, revenge, recrimination ... then we fail. The wrong is in that failure even if we are the victims and not the executioners. Virtue is no excuse."

"The Comedians" by Graham Greene (1966)